Sunday, 9 December 2007 happy but so so scared...

so i didnt get the job i went for at first...someone else had to have less training than me and she got offered the job. but i mustve been second choice cos i got a call on thursday from the recruitment agency saying the company i applied2 work for had been in contact and that the person that they offered the job to has declined!!! soooooo...................they were offering me the job!!! :D :D :D

omg i was soooo happy i nearly cried, i was pacing and jumping and smiling like id never smiled before!!

so all is happy happy until i told my manager yesterday that i was my manager is a funny chap...not in the haha sense....hes strange and he was demanding reasons and wanting to know where ill be working etcetc
then he does his usual when something goods happening in my life hes completely pessimistics and tells me this and this and this is definately gunna go wrong...and my lifes guna suck and im guna kill myself kinda overreacting yer, i was mad....cos, well no1 hes 54!! he knows that if u get a job offer thats better pay and a nicer environment, YOUR GUNNA GO!!!

and he was all, but ur guna be wrking further away from home, your place of work is practically on ur doorstep and ive wanted that all my life etc etc etc.... and i was sitting there thinking....wait a minute....wait a minute....last time i checked thats not what IVE wanted all my life!!! I dont care where i work as long as its reasonable to get too and im HAPPY!! cos..well, thats wat i want in my life and last time i checked hes my manager not the boss of everything i do!!!"

SO yer, i cant wait til i get outta that hellhole!!! I NEED OUT!
im just worth so much more than that, not just the pay, i need a nicer environment, and where im gunna wrk seems it (anywhere will seem it seeing as where i work is SHITE and gloomy and old fashioned in a sense that no ones redecorated in 18 years!!!!!!

so yer, and when i told my manager i was like, doesnt mean im leaving right now, and that once ive recovered after my op early jan ill come bk in before i start my new job n he was like, well i dnt think the directors will want you there was me thinking well Fuck You! there was me being all nice when i really really REALLY didnt have to!!

so yer!

so then theres my operation thats coming up on so scared i really dont know what to do with myself! ive wrapped all my xmas pressies and catagorised them so ppl kno whats going where just in case something happens and im distributing private/inscriminating items i own to certain very trusted friends of mine just incase something happens and i REALLY dont want my family to see them.

I seriously think writing a will is kinda overdoing it plus i think it would be quite a bad i might not.... :s

so yer.......................................

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